Account Type*** ******Account Owner***** *******Account Opps/Deals***** *******Closed Won • Oct 24**K $Closed
******* *****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024******** ****Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Gamma TechnologiesHead of MarketingFeb 21 - PresentDassault SystemesDirector, MarketingSep 17- Jan 21Exa CorporationSenior Director, MarketingAug 96- Sep 17
Aruna VaidyanathanGlobal Head Growth MarketingView Profile, aruna vaidyanathanKaitlyn Elizabeth RiddleGlobal Social Media Marketing And Brand Marketing ManagerView Profile, kaitlyn elizabeth riddleMelissa DunsonMarketing Services Senior ManagerView Profile, melissa dunson